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SchoolTool - Parent Portal Support

SchoolTool - Parent Portal Support

Schooltool – Parent Portal
Schooltool is the Student Infroamtion System or SIS Lowville Academy utilzes for attendence and student grades. Parents can request accesss to the Parent Portal to monitor student grades, attendence and performance.


Parent Portal Account Request Process
Parents can obtain a Parent Portal account request form from any school building office. Please complete and return the form to the building office of which your student is enrolled in. An account will be created for you and you will recevie an email from the Schooltool system that will contain your passord. If you have receioved an email, please check your spam folder.


Web Page Access
Parents can use their computer to log into their Parent Portal Account by opening a web browser and navigating to:

Login with your parent email address and password. Passwords can be reset by clicking the “forgot password” link under the login area.


Mobile App Access
Parents and students can download the Schooltool app onto their mobile device and access their students information. 

  1. Please down load the app from either the Google Play Store (Android) or the App Store (iOS – Apple).
  2. Once the app is installed on your mobile device, please enter the following URL into the app:
  3. Enter your username (email address) and password to login.


If you need technical asssitance, please contact Jim LaVere, Director of IT.