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Photo of Mrs. Rebecca Dunckel-King

Ms. Rebecca Dunckel

7668 N. State Street
Lowville, NY 13367

Letter from the Superintendent

Dear Parents and Community Members:

Over the past several months, the district, along with members of our community, have been working on a strategic plan; a Blueprint for Excellence. It was important to me and to our board of education to include our school community in the design and articulation of our goals and objectives for the coming years. In the end, we have developed a plan that we all can be proud of. Within our Blueprint for Excellence, we state that our mission is to empower all students with future-ready skills, preparing them for personal success and meaningful impact on their communities. We want to build on our tradition of excellence to create a world-class learning community for all and through our motto, Enter to learn….Go forth to serve, we will take the necessary steps to fulfill our obligation.

Our four main pillars that guide our work include the student experience, high quality staffing, facilities, operations, and school nutrition, and communication, engagement, and school climate. We are proud of our students and proud of all of our teachers and staff members who lead the daily effort to succeed.  We have no doubt that as the year continues we will see more personal growth among all of our students.


High Quality Staffing:

In order to continue to offer high quality programs to our students, it is necessary for our faculty and staff to engage in professional development throughout the school year.  This year, our faculty and staff will focus in on safety and security for their students and for themselves. Our staff will also continue to engage in collaborative work for the benefit of our students.  On Friday, March 14, 2025 Lowville Academy will take part in an in-service day.  Students will not be in session that day. 

LACS Budget Outlook:

The challenge for any school district is to provide the high-quality educational programs for its students within the means of local taxpayers and state aid.  The Lowville Board of Education is committed to our strong educational mission and recognize that although we have fund balance and reserves set aside that could maintain a level tax levy, our financial health and security of our programs have to come first.  The district has continually practiced conservative budgeting because we understand that we must not only provide a viable educational program for our students now, but in the future as well. 

Our goal for the upcoming budget is to maintain our current programs, facilities, and extra-curricular activities.  Lowville Academy strives to maintain our history of excellent academic performance, individual attention to the needs of our students, and developing students who are college, career and civic ready.  With the support of our community, we will continue to have great success and continued improvement.


What is the LACS Timeline for Budget Adoption?

Looking ahead, the following dates are important milestones as the budget comes together:  

  • Board of Education Meetings – Upcoming 2025-26 Budget Development Workshops – February 10, March 10 and March 24, 2025
  • Adoption of 2025-26 Budget by LACS Board of Education – Tentatively Scheduled for April 14, 2025
  • Official Public Hearing and Presentation – May 12, 2025 – LACS Elementary Cafeteria 6:30 p.m.
  • Annual Meeting including Trustee Election and Budget Vote – Tuesday, May 20, 2025 – 12:00 Noon-8:00 p.m. in the high school auditorium


Thank you for supporting your child and working in partnership with us as we remain focused on our goal of providing the best educational opportunities for each of our students.  Your commitment and dedication to the district is deeply appreciated. 


Safe Schools Endeavor Grants

Lowville Academy and Central School won a Northern New York Community Foundation Safe Schools Endeavor grant totaling $1,500.00. The District has contracted with a nationally known public speaker to address our students on the dangers of drug addiction. The program is called Steered Straight and our middle school and high school students will sit for this program on the afternoon of March 26, 2025. Thank you to the Safe Schools Endeavor program for making this program possible.


Safety Procedures: Drop Off And Pick Up

Parents and caretakers are reminded to exercise extreme caution when dropping off or picking up children at school. The safety of our students is our most important priority.  In addition to heightened awareness, drivers will need to observe all school speed zones which exist on adjacent streets as well as in the school driveways and parking areas.  There will be a crossing guard on North State Street to help students and other pedestrians safely cross in front of the school at the beginning and end of the school day. Please pay attention to the following traffic directives for the 2024-2025 school year and beyond.

Parents who wish to drop off and/or pick up their children should do so in the State Street/Davenport Place loop.  The Trinity Avenue loop will be used strictly for bus traffic.  Please only park in designated parking spots when visiting the school.  This is very important for traffic flow and safety when crossing the road.