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Activities & Clubs

Students at Lowville Middle School have the opportunity to participate in several extra-curricular activities. We offer clubs for science, technology, agriculture, home & careers, art, library, business. Current activities & clubs that Middle School students may join are:

Activities & Clubs


FFA - Future Farmers of America
Mr. Melvin Phelps

FCCLA - Future Community & Career Leaders of America
Mrs. Amy Beyer

Student Council
Mrs. Diana Cooper and Mrs. Renee Honey

FBLA - Future Business Leaders of America
Mrs. Blake Place

Ms. Sherry Kloster

Mrs. Tiffany Seymour

Mr. Kyle Zehr

Mr. Jackson Hyde

MS Musical
Mrs. Elizabeth Zehr and Mrs. Jennifer Keefer

OM: Odyssey of the Mind
Mrs. Kate Bala
Creative Problem Solving (Nov. - March)

Middle School Dances are usually held once a month on a Friday night from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Sponsored by different school clubs each month admission costs range from $3.50 - $4.00. Refreshments are often sold for an additional cost. Usually our dances are held in the high school gym unless a conflict occurs for a high school event. Local D.J. services are used and the music playlist must be approved by the administration. Students are expected to follow the student code of conduct and dress code at dances. Parents are requested to pick up their children promptly when the dance ends at 9:30 p.m. as the chaperones may not leave until all of the students have gone home. Only Lowville Middle School students in grades 6-8 may attend our dances. Middle school students are not eligible to attend high school dances.

Grades 7 & 8 students are eligible to participate in our modified sports program as part of the Frontier League. Students may join a fall, winter or spring sport.