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  • We are pleased to announce that the District will continue Student Accident Insurance this school year. This coverage is for all school-sponsored, employee-supervised activities, including interscholastic athletics and field trips. This is secondary coverage that provides backup benefits for medical, dental, and hospital services. The policy pays after the claim has been processed by the student’s private insurance company, where applicable. Parents are reimbursed directly or assignment of benefits is accepted.

    In addition, the school district has a liability/lifetime catastrophic medical insurance program for students.

    It is also important to note students who drive with other students during the school day either to or from school are not covered under any school policy. We specifically recommend that students not ride with others at any time during the school day. With regard to travel to and from school, we believe parents need to make this decision on a personal basis.

  • In order to provide the best learning environment possible for all students, some medications may need to be administered during the school day. The school nurses are responsible for the administration of medications. Note: unless there is a self-carry order in place, no student is allowed to carry any medication (prescribed or over-the-counter) on school property. NYS law has implemented certain procedures that must be followed before any medication can be given in the school setting. This includes all prescribed and over-the-counter medications, such as Tylenol and Advil. A written order from the prescribing physician is required. The order must state the student’s name, medication name, dosage, time/frequency to be dispensed, possible side effects, and duration of the prescription.

    A written statement from the parent/guardian requesting the administration of the medication in school as ordered by the physician.

    The medication must be delivered to school in the original, properly labeled container. This is true for both prescription and over-the-counter medications.

    The medication is to be delivered to one of the school nurses by a responsible adult. Medication may not be sent to school with the student. Request for Administration of Medication form is available from the LACS Health Office and also on the LACS website. Please ask your physician to complete and return this form to the LACS Health Office when you bring your child’s medication. Your signature is also required on this form.

    If you have any questions, please call the health office at (315) 376-9007.

  • With the unpredictable nature of the weather in our area, it is important for parents and guardians to understand how early dismissals are handled. In addition to the customary blustery weather of a Tug Hill winter we'll need to be prepared for an early dismissal in the event of an extended major power outage, weather catastrophe or any other type of national/local emergency that would require sending students home early. Please note, emergency closings are only ordered after weighing all circumstances with student safety the most important concern. Should any circumstances prevent an early dismissal, students will remain in school until they can leave safely. In usual circumstances, emergency closing announcements will be issued by the local radio and TV stations approximately 1 to 1 ½ hours before the designated early dismissal time. On rare occasions an early dismissal might be called immediately in the event of an incident requiring an all campus evacuation. A major gas leak, fire or other type of unsafe situation would prompt an early dismissal and evacuation from specific parts or all of the school campus. As a very large campus we generally have sufficient space to move students to a different area of the grounds to ensure their safety. Any emergency requiring off-campus evacuation would be done under the direction of the superintendent and district's administrative team in conjunction with the police and Lewis County Emergency Planning Office. School personnel are prepared to help our children respond to any type of event requiring early dismissal. Immediate radio and TV announcements would clearly indicate how/when this type of early closing would occur.

  • Parents are requested to sign their children out of the respective school office if they'd like to remove them from school prior to the bus departure time. Walkers will be released at the early dismissal time unless parents request that other arrangements be made. Working parents are asked to plan ahead and provide for any alternative arrangements prompted by an early dismissal. Please have on file with written permission the name(s) of relatives or family friends who have authority to pick up or house your child. Any emergency off campus dismissal will provide organized and structured dismissal in a safe atmosphere. Staff members will stand by to assist students and parents in this eventuality.

  • Notice of emergency closings will be broadcast by the media as early as possible. Please wait for such announcements. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL. The following media are contacted when there is a delayed opening, early dismissal or emergency school closing.

    • T.V. - WWNY TV Watertown; WWTI TV Watertown; Spectrum News
    • Radio - WBRV/WLLG
  • The Lowville Academy and Central School District hereby advises students, parents, employees, and the general public that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, creed or religion, marital status, age, sexual orientation, gender (including gender identity and expression) and sex, or disability in any of its programs or activities.

    Inquiries regarding this notice may be directed to:

    District Civil Rights Compliance Officers

    Lowville Academy Central School
    7668 N. State Street
    Lowville, New York 13367

  • The mission of the Lowville Academy and Central School District is to provide a responsible and comprehensive education program that meets the immediate and long-term affective, cognitive, and developmental needs of individual students, resulting in people who are happy and self-confident, who perform consistently to their ability, and who are prepared to be contributing and productive members in tomorrow’s society. The New York State Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) seeks to ensure that schools have the tools and resources to provide all students an educational environment in which they can thrive. The Lowville Academy and Central School District has consistently focused on character education and promoting positive choices to assist students as they grow into happy and productive citizens. The district has adapted many of its existing anti-bullying and character education initiatives into the mandated DASA implementation plan.

    The purpose is to ensure that all students attending Lowville Academy are in a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying -- whether in the classroom, on school property, on a school bus and/or at a school function.

    What can I do?

    • If you see something, SAY something! Speak to an adult immediately.
    • Be supportive if a friend tells you they are being treated unfairly.
    • Speak up if you see someone being treated unfairly.
  • Elementary School:

    • Kelso’s Choice Conflict Management Program
    • SUPER Ed

    Middle School:

    • Character Lessons
    • Above the Influence

    High School:

    • Sources of Strength
    • Friends of Rachel’s Club

For more information related to our district Civil Rights policy, please refer to the link below:

Related Files

Additional Board Policies