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7668 North State Street
Lowville, NY 13367
(315) 376-9015

Photo of Mr. Brian Finn

Principal: Mr. Brian Finn

Photo of Mr. Brian Hanselman

Assistant Principal: Mr. Brian Hanselman

From the Principal . . .

Welcome Back...We Missed You!

As the summer sun begins to set, we are thrilled to welcome our students and staff back for another exciting school year at Lowville Academy! Our dedicated student athletes were the first to return, kicking off their seasons on August 19. It’s great to see our athletes back on the fields and courts, demonstrating their hard work and commitment to their sports.

In preparation for the first day of classes on Tuesday, September 3, many of our teachers and staff have been busy setting up their classrooms, ensuring that everything is ready for our students. The excitement in the air is contagious as we look forward to another year of growth and learning.

This summer has also brought significant changes to our school due to the aftermath of the flood that impacted our high school facilities in early July. Our maintenance staff, alongside the professionals from ServPro, have worked tirelessly to clean up and restore the affected areas. Our commitment to our students’ education remains unwavering, and we are ready to welcome everyone back!

A special welcome goes out to our Senior Class, the Class of 2025. This year is yours to shine as leaders in our school community. We encourage you to model the positive qualities of kindness, empathy, integrity, and resilience as you navigate your final year at Lowville Academy. We also want to extend a warm welcome to the Class of 2028, who are entering high school for the first time. Embrace this four-year journey, and remember our school motto: “Enter to learn, go forth to serve.”

As we look ahead, we want to inform you that a committee led by Mr. Hanselman and Mr. Larkin has been hard at work updating the Dress Code policy, which has recently been approved by the Board of Education. We invite students, parents, and community members to review the updated policy on the district’s webpage. The changes have been made to clarify and simplify the guidelines for all students. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to stop by the high school for assistance.

In closing, I hope everyone enjoys the last days of summer and is as eager as I am to embark on the 217th year at Lowville Academy. Let’s make this year one filled with achievements, growth, and cherished memories!

Yours in Education,

Brian E. Finn
High School Principal


Tuesday, September 3
First Day of School Information

The 2024-2025 year will begin for all students in grades 9-12 with a full day of school on Tuesday, September 3. Students should report to Supervised Study no later than the last bell at 8:35 a.m. Please consult the listing for Supervised Study to determine the location for your
grade level.

During the Supervised Study, every student will receive a copy of their 2024-2025 schedule. Schedule changes will not be permitted during the first two days of school in order to provide the Counseling Office staff ample time to schedule new arrivals and to arrange appointments for students with conflicts. Please follow your original schedule until the Counseling Office contacts you for an appointment.

On September 3, the Supervised Study period will extend until 8:57 a.m. to allow time to begin working on the necessary paperwork for 2024-2025. It may take a few periods to complete the required information. Reporting early to your Supervised Study for the first week will help greatly in completing these important tasks.

Following the Supervised Study period, you will report to your classes, periods 1 through 9. All classes, with the exception of 1 st period, will meet for the normal 40 minutes. Junior and Senior BOCES students will attend a special BOCES meeting on September 3 and should report to the High School Library instead of the usual loading area. Dismissal will follow the day’s closing announcements at 3:10 p.m. Best of luck on a great first day of school!


Supervised Study 2024-2025

Grade 9: Class of 2028
3301 Adams, Leo – Clark, Madison
3303 Cook, Allison – Heins, Katelynn
3307 Hoch, Bella – Miller, Axton
3309 Morrow, Ava – Russell, Landyn
3311 Schoenhut, Elijah – Whitcher, Michael

Grade 10: Class of 2027
3302 Aldrich, Megan – Donnelly, Wyatt
3304 Dunn, Brailyn – Hryckewicz, Samuel
3310 Hulbert, Emilee – Morrow, Chase
3312 Moshier, Kiera – Snyder, Nicolina
2302 St.Germain, Logan – Zubrzycki, Cole

Grade 11: Class of 2026
2304 Bagley, Jayden – Hall, Jasmyn
2306 Haney, Corinne – Meleshchuk, Ryan
2312 Metzler, Leah – Ryan, Veronica
2311 Slate, Matthew – Zhao, Jay

Grade 12: Class of 2025
2301 Allen, Alexis – Diddle Faith
2303 Ditlefsen, Nevaeh – Hosler, David
2307 Ielfield, Andrew – McCollum, James
2309 McCue, Thomas – Rush, Simeon
1304 Seymour, Marissa – Zustra, Zane


Student Handbook Outlines
“Code of Conduct” Rules and Regulations

Please take the time to review the school “Code of Conduct” in the handbook students receive on their first day. The disciplinary policy guidelines are detailed in the Senior High School Handbook. It is very important to read this handbook. Be aware of the information pertinent to your grade level. The most difficult, yet beneficial, discipline to achieve is self-discipline. In general, students require assistance in developing this important quality. For that reason, discipline is the responsibility of students, parents, teachers, and administrators.

As we begin a new school year, it is always appropriate to review some of the key disciplinary expectations. Knowing up front what the expectations are should help you to make appropriate choices as you attend Lowville Academy during the school year. Due to S.A.V.E. legislation, it is also required that we review the “Code of Conduct” expectations at the start of the year. The code was updated this August.



 Be respectful at all times - even when you have a difference of opinion.
 Comply with all requests from staff in a cooperative manner. Anger should never be used to express opinions towards staff members or other students.
 Avoid vulgar or abusive language while on school property or at school events. Be considerate of others in how you address them.
 Avoid physical confrontation or unsafe behavior of any type.
 Do not possess or use dangerous objects or products while at school or any school related activity - some examples are drugs, tobacco products, alcohol or weapons of any kind as defined in school policy. Synthetic drugs and tobacco are included in the application of this
 Be respectful of property belonging to others.
 Behave appropriately in all non-instructional areas (halls, cafeteria, lobby, locker room, etc.)
 Attend school regularly and make arrangements for making up work when absence is unavoidable for a legal reason.
 Dress for school in an acceptable, safe and healthy manner which is respectful of the learning environment.
 Express thoughts and feelings appropriately. Writing, speech, video, computers, art, etc., are all subject to high standards of accuracy, fairness and decency and should be of an appropriate nature.

The consequences for failing to comply with any of the above rules will vary depending on the severity of the problem. At all times, the administration reserves the right to remain flexible with respect to the disciplinary process as needed.



The district recognizes the rising usage of digital technology in our country, especially among teens. To best support student learning and minimize distractions, the district is implementing an updated cell phone policy.

Research shows that student cell phone use in the classroom can negatively impact academic performance and well-being. Adverse effects could include: lower test scores, classroom distractions, toxic social media trends, illicit pictures and videos, access to inappropriate materials, cyberbullying, emotional regulation, impulsivity, addiction to social networking,shyness, low self-esteem, reduced physical fitness, unhealthy eating habits, migraines, and reduced cognitive control. 

The development of this policy aims to best support an instructional learning environment for all students. Some flexibility and discretion is incorporated within these new expectations.


  1. Cell phones may be used on school grounds before school, during a student’s assigned lunch, in between class periods, and after school.  While using their cell phone, students will use them in a quiet manner that does not bring attention to them.
  2. Cell phone use is prohibited in classrooms, restrooms, locker rooms, and school offices, unless otherwise approved by school staff.
  3. Cell phones must be silenced and placed in the room’s designated area during instructional periods, including: Academic Intervention Services (AIS), Student Learning Center (SLC), Resource Room (RR), the library, and restricted study hall. Teachers of regular and senior study halls will use their discretion if cell phones may be used for academic purposes.
  4. Headphones and other listening devices may only be used before school, during a student’s assigned lunch period, and possibly during regular and senior study halls (teacher discretion), and after school hours.
  5. If students need to place an emergency phone call during the day, they may request to go to the counseling or main office to use an office phone.



The student dress code was developed in collaboration with teachers, administrators and other community members. It reflects our “current community standards on proper decorum and deportment”. The dress code is a required part of the district’s Code of Conduct and is reviewed annually by our shared decisions monitoring team and Board of Education.

You are to dress in a manner which is proper and appropriate for a school environment. Keep in mind dress for the learning environment is more formal than the dress standards for out-of-school activities. The following guidelines need to be followed when getting yourself ready for the school day, or when attending school sponsored activities, and apply to all attire (clothing, grooming and appearance, hair style/color, jewelry, make-up and nails).


  1. Attire should be safe, appropriate, and not reasonably likely to pose a safety hazard and/or disrupt or interfere with the educational process.  Attire that is potentially dangerous is prohibited for safety reasons.
  2. Attire should not be immodest or otherwise revealing to the point where the educational process is disrupted.
    1. Tops should meet bottoms. Outerwear must cover underclothing or midriff at all times. (Boxer shorts must be completely covered by pants or shorts).  Garments that are revealing or see-through (including those, regardless of gender, that reveal the abdominal area, chest, buttocks, or could otherwise potentially expose private parts of the body, including areas that are covered in body paint as a form of clothing) are not permitted.
    2. - Skirts/shorts/pants, regardless of gender, must cover areas traditionally covered by undergarments. Clothing must fit appropriately to cover these areas at all times.
  3. No attire which shows or promotes messages that are vulgar, obscene, libelous, hateful, or denigrate others on account of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or disability are permitted.
  4. No attire which shows or promotes messages deemed by administration to be unacceptable are permitted.  Examples include sexual references, alcohol, drugs, confederate flag, discriminatory, hateful, violent, or other obscene messages. No attire which shows or promotes the use of alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs and/or encourages other illegal or violent activities are permitted.
  5. Safe footwear shall be worn at all times.  No wheeled shoes are allowed.
  6. Students may not wear hats or hoods in the building on school days.  However, hats and hoodies may be worn at school activities such as games, dances, and informal social functions. Head coverings may be worn for medical or religious purposes*.
  7. Capes, including flags worn as capes, blankets, and sunglasses (except for medical purposes*) are not to be worn.

If a student’s dress is determined by administration to be in violation of the above standards, the student will be required to remove or modify their attire. Persistent violation of the rule will result in progressive discipline designed to address the situations.

Any requests for special dress for spirit day or other activities need to be submitted through coaches or advisors to an administrator ahead for consideration.

There are special rules concerning clothing to be worn in technology, home and careers, ceramics, art classes, physical education, certain science labs, and field trips.  Ask your teacher for more information on these rules.  Keep in mind that expressing individuality does not provide an excuse to affect the learning environment of others.

*Medical or health purposes must be approved by administration.



A reminder about a serious breach of the student discipline code (required by law) is worth mentioning in detail. In particular, every student should be aware that illegal substances are never acceptable at school in any form. The following section needs to be read and
remembered by every student. We also encourage you to discuss this section with your parents and any staff members when you return to school.

A student in possession of illegal products (including any drug paraphernalia) at school will have them confiscated and will receive a major suspension. Also, possession of drugs or alcohol while on school grounds or at any student activity can result in legal action. Participation in a substance abuse program will also be recommended. Association with others who are using alcohol and/or drugs can result in disciplinary problems - especially for student-athletes - please avoid this at all times. Consequences for dealing illegal substances are substantial on a school campus under the New York State Drug Free Schools concept. School districts have the authority to search students given reasonable suspicion. Failure to cooperate with district officials during a search will warrant disciplinary consequences as well (see more
detail on this in the Student Handbook).

Search and Seizure:

The student’s right to privacy is respected at Lowville Academy and Central School; however,  where there is reasonable suspicion to believe that stolen items, illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, or other items specifically prohibited by law or school regulations may be in the possession of a student, a student may be searched by the administration. School officials may require a student to reveal the contents of his/her book bag, handbag, briefcase and/or items carried on his/her person when there are reasonable grounds to believe that the student has items prohibited by law and/or school policy. When there is reasonable suspicion that a student has possession of illegal or stolen property, the student may be questioned and a search may be conducted by school officials. Schools have a unique mission that affords them authority to do this work and protect the health and safety of all. Students are prohibited from possessing guns, knives, chemical sprays, and any other harmful item while on school property and at school functions on or off campus.

In addition to the weapons ban covered in the section above, please be aware that at no time and under no circumstances will a violent threat toward any student, staff member, or school property be tolerated. All threats will be reported to the administration and law enforcement.

LACS Honor Roll For 2023-24 Quarter 4

Congratulations to all of Lowville Academy's fourth quarter Merit, Honor, and High Honor Roll students!  This is the result of hard work by students, parents, and faculty alike.

HIGH HONOR ROLL (95 – 100)

Grade 9:  Ira Blauvelt, Thomas Bleau, Lauren Crouse, Lettie Ehlers, Lily Gillette, Riley Gillette, Samantha Grimsey, Hayden Hulbert, Miriana Jantzi, Carson Kempney, Victoria Krop, Elijah Manning, Chase Morrow, Caleb Nortz, Aliya Parker, Luke Patnode, Carl Petzoldt, Scarlett Salerno, Ella Sauter, Kairi Truax, Will Vokey, Mason Waite, Paige Zehr.

Grade 10:  Jayden Bagley, MaKayla Delles, Grace Fouse, Makensie Freeman, Brayden Gillette, Karli Gillette, Corinne Haney, Mia Hanselman, Brooke Houppert, Anthony LaPuma, Mya Lehman, Elaina Lehmann, Eli McCue, Nolan Moshier, Carver Nortz, Jenna
Pate, Olivia Patnode, Samantha Reynolds, Grace Rupert, Ariyanna Ryan, Veronica Ryan, Laura Snyder, Natalie Stockman, Devin Swiernik, Joshua Weiler, Charlotte Wood, Ethan Zehr.

Grade 11:  Alexis Allen, Banyan Barker, Isabella Bergen, Landon Brennan, Rielly Brennan, Ava Burns, Wyatt Cornell, Lis Dunckel, Henry Goss, Patrick Grimsey, Eli Gronowski, Tyler Gyore, Ethan Higby, Phoebe Jennings, Maya Laribee, Brenna Law, Katherine Macaulay, Skylar Manning, Nicholas Martin, Peyton Matuszczak, Thomas McCue, Tai Nortz, Charlee Pike, Aidan Pominville, Simeon Rush, Trey Smith, Alyssa
Stalker, Dominic Swiernik, Brian Thomas, Abrianna Turck, Jenna Weiler, Logan Yarina, Zane Zustra.

Grade 12:  Kendyl Allen, Katelynn Baker, Stephanie Beyer, Eloise Blauvelt, Kylee Burke, Anna Dening, Denali Dietrich, Carli Freeman, Ella Hinman, Ryder Jantzi, Sean Kelly, Annabella LaPuma, Landon Learned, Emilie Lehmann, Connor McCormick, Jerika Myers, Taylor Newton, Mikayla Nicol, Keegan O’Brien, Avery Pate, Sarah Peebles, Jack Rowsam, Kally Runner, Jakayla Spence, Brook Ward, Benjamin Webert, Rubi Zabielowicz.

HONOR ROLL (90 – 94)

Grade 9:  Duncan Andrews, Stella Burke, Esther DeGeorge, Brailyn Dunn, Serenity Finley, Destany Gibbs, Nicholas Madore, Owen Marcolini, Alyssa Millard, Kiera Moshier, Peyton Nortz, Daisy Peters, Alora Porciello, Xavier Roggie.

Grade 10:  Toby Brandal, Katarina Gohlert, Jasmyn Hall, Mackenzie Kirch, Madeline Meleshchuk, Ryan Meleshchuk, Myah Nortz, William Noviscky, Chase Robbins, Isaiah Spence, Aydin Waugh, Jay Zhao.

Grade 11:  Jack Beyer, Aiden Capron, Carlee Davis, Lydia DeGeorge, Faith Diddle, Elyzah Endy, Michael Fayle, Averie Halladay, Andrew Ielfield, Anna King, Lilly Lacey, Deken Makuch, James McCollum, Adyson McFaul, Julia Morrow, Haley Palmer, Wyatt Phelps, Jevin Ray, Rachael Reynolds, Dudley Rombough, Delaney Rose, Lucas Suiter, Ariana Thomas, Charles Vonwal.

Grade 12: Alexa Brouty, Haydn Draper, Justin Feisthamel, Kaitlyn Hilton, Andrew Hulbert, Ayden Meleshchuk, Hannah Moshier, Taylor Nortz, Catherine Peer, Dylan Perkins, Jacob Peterson, Rorrie Stogsdill, Eric Szablewski, Keira Watson, Logan Watson.

MERIT ROLL (85 – 89)

Grade 9:  Megan Aldrich, Charles Baker, Lillian Diddle, Wyatt Donnelly, Emma Halladay, Amelia LaMountain-Richardson, Madison McDonald, Kolton McGrath, Cullen Miller, Mya Zehr, Cole Zubrzycki.

Grade 10:  Marcus Chang, Ian Dunckel, Carter Fowler, Shelby Gentry, Gavin Harper, Avery Kilburn, Tuscany Maner, Madison Murray, Elliana Panarese, Jensen Staie, Olivia Turner, Noah Virkler, Vanna Wagner.

Grade 11:  Daisy Barbarito, Drake Burke, Nevaeh Ditlefsen, Leona Gohlert, Jada Hellinger, Alannah Ingersoll, Cody Kempney, Andrew Lyndaker, Devin Mahoney, Zane Metzler, Landon Monnat, Chase Nakano, Shayla Rowsam, Lexi Snowden, Chloe Zehr, Chase Zubrzycki.

Grade 12:  Sonia Delgado, Alex Farney, Macy Fowler, Aarylin Fuller, Emmilee Hlad, Phoebe Hutchins, Lane Lovenduski, Espen Matuszczak, Alyvia Millard, Garrett Phelps, Melody Roggie, Allison Rozanski, Joseph Scheiner, Collin Schrag, Taci Smith, Luke Snyder.


LACS High School Students With Regents Honors

The following high school students deserve special congratulations for receiving honors of 90% or above during the June 2024 testing period.

Geometry – Thomas Bleau, Riley Gillette, Carson Kempney, Nolan Moshier, Luke Patnode, Natalie Stockman, Will Vokey, Paige Zehr

Algebra II – Ira Blauvelt, Natalie Stockman, Joshua Weiler, Ethan Zehr

English – Banyan Barker, Jack Beyer, Aiden Capron, Wyatt Cornell, Michael Fayle, Patrick Grimsey, Emily Heins, Andrew Ielfield, Cody Kempney, Nicholas Martin, Peyton Matuszczak, James McCollum, Zane Metzler, Haley Palmer, Charlee Pike, Aidan Pominville, Jevin Ray, Rachael Reynolds, Dudley Rombough, Simeon Rush, Jayden Smith, Alyssa Stalker, Ariana Thomas, Logan Yarina, Chloe Zehr, Chase Zubrzycki, Zane Zustra

Earth Science – Rioux Barney, Ira Blauvelt, Thomas Bleau, Toby Brandal, Grace Fouse, Makensie Freeman, Lily Gillette, Riley Gillette, Gracie Hirschey, Carson Kempney, Elijah Manning, Nolan Moshier, Caleb Nortz, Luke Patnode, Daisy Peters, Carl Petzoldt, Chase
Robbins, Xavier Roggie, Laura Snyder, Isaiah Spence, Jensen Staie, Caden Tanner, Kairi Truax, Noah Virkler, Will Vokey, Vanna Wagner, Paige Zehr

Biology – Duncan Andrews, Lily Gillette, Logan Goutermout, David Houppert, Nicholas Madore, Nicholas Martin, Jorden Mayo, Aston Peebles, Hannah Smith

Chemistry – Brayden Gillette, Katarina Gohlert, Anthony LaPuma, Natalie Stockman, Brian Thomas, Joshua Weiler, Ethan Zehr
Physics – Landon Brennan, Rielly Brennan, Ava Burns, Henry Goss, Eli Gronowski, Tyler Gyore, Skylar Manning, Peyton Matuszczak, Thomas McCue, Tai Nortz, Keegan O’Brien, Aidan Pominville, Simeon Rush, Abrianna Turck, Jenna Weiler 

Global History – Banyan Barker, Rioux Barney, Toby Brandal, Grace Fouse, Makensie Freeman, Brayden Gillette, Karli Gillette, Katarina Gohlert, Mia Hanselman, Brooke Houppert, Anthony LaPuma, Mya Lehman, Elaina Lehmann, Tuscany Maner, Eli McCue, Nolan Moshier, Carver Nortz, Samantha Reynolds, Laura Snyder, Natalie Stockman, Caden Tanner, Noah Virkler, Vanna Wagner, Joshua Weiler, Jay Zhao

US History – Landon Brennan, Ava Burns, Aiden Capron, Wyatt Cornell, Lillian Exford, Leona Gohlert, Henry Goss, Patrick Grimsey, Eli Gronowski, Ethan Higby, Phoebe Jennings, Anna King, Lilly Lacey, Maya Laribee, Skylar Manning, Nicholas Martin, Peyton Matuszczak, James McCollum, Thomas McCue, Aidan Pominville, Jevin Ray, Simeon Rush, Abrianna Turck, Jenna Weiler