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(315) 376-9010


Photo of Mr. Scott Exford

Principal: Mr. Scott Exford

Photo of Mr. Brian Hanselman

Assistant Principal: Mr. Brian Hanselman


Dear Parents, Students and Community Members:

I am excited for the 2024-2025 school year to begin on Tuesday, September 3 and want to welcome back all of our returning grade 7 and 8 students and their parents and extend a special welcome to our incoming grade 6 students and their parents. 


The flooding in early July has made for an interesting and busy summer here at school.  We are thankful to our maintenance and cleaning staff as well as the ongoing work of all of the contractors on campus throughout the summer in getting our buildings and grounds ready for the opening of school. 


I am looking forward to a very positive and productive year together.  As parents, please support your child at home and school by reinforcing our academic, behavioral, and attendance expectations, by providing a structured environment for your child to complete their homework, and by attending school functions and events throughout the year.  Your involvement plays a crucial role and we value your support and participation in your child’s education. 


Please take time before the school year begins to talk with your child about the upcoming school year and to set goals for a successful school year.  Reflect with your child on past school experiences and develop a plan for success this year so that you can help ensure a positive experience for your child this fall.


Another conversation to have with your child is regarding his or her involvement at Lowville Middle School outside of the classroom.  Developing well-rounded students is a priority at LACS.  While our focus is always on the academic achievement and growth of our students, we do realize the importance of our students’ social and emotional development as well.  We understand the need to balance students’ academic development by providing opportunities for enriching extracurricular activities outside of the classroom.  Research shows that when students are involved in their school’s extracurricular activities they perform better academically.  Please encourage your child to participate in our extracurricular sports, clubs and activities throughout the school year. 


In closing, I thank you for your partnership and look forward to working with you this fall to support your child’s academic and personal growth.  Please do not hesitate to call our office if you have any questions or concerns.  Best wishes for a successful 2024-2025 school year!

Scott D. Exford, Middle School Principal