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Phone: (315)376-9005
Fax: (315)376-9006

Photo of Mrs. Philomena Goss

Mrs. Philomena Goss

Photo of Mrs. Andrea Hanselman

Assistant Principal:
Mrs. Andrea Hanselman

From the Principal ...

Dear Parents, Students, and Community Members,

The summer of 2024 will certainly go down in the record books as one of unexpected events!  The most notable was the flooding that occurred in early July affecting our Pre-K, Kindergarten and first grade classrooms, along with the offices and service provider rooms.The destruction was unbelievable, to say the least; but the amount of support and the rebuilding was nothing short of amazing. We collaborated with contractors and companies and got the job done!  There will continue to be projects to get us back to where we were, but not allowing the flooding to impact our opening for the 2024-2025 school year was a goal from the start.

We were able to continue with the summer programming we traditionally have; summer school, Summer Science Academy, Summer Rec, Super Stage and the Hand in Hand program.  It was awesome to see our students and the staff associated with these programs persevere during a very challenging time and difficult conditions.  The support our community has for our students and our staff is greatly appreciated!

In spite of the obstacles, we have been working hard to prepare for the year. New students have been screened and new staff hired. The maintenance staff has the building clean and safe and looking beautiful. Our bus drivers will be the first to greet their riders for the new year and they will get them here safely. The cafeteria staff will nourish our students’ bodies every morning and midday to help their brains be best prepared for learning. The teachers, counselors, psychologists, service providers, nurses, office staff, monitors, assistants and aides will work in the best interest of your children each and every day. We will meet each child where they are with learning and help them learn and grow.

Our district’s mission is to provide a responsible and comprehensive educational program that meets the immediate and long-term affective, cognitive and developmental needs of individual students, resulting in people who are happy and self-confident, who perform consistently to their ability, and who are prepared to be contributing and productive members in tomorrow’s society. We dedicate time and talent to accomplishing this mission each and every day.

We are all in this together. We appreciate our partnership with families. As always, please call with any questions or concerns.


Philomena B. Goss
Elementary Principal


2024-2025 Elementary Student School Hours

The elementary office hours are from 7:45 a.m. until 4:15 p.m. each day. The elementary school is in session from 8:35 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. each day. Children are counted tardy if they arrive after 8:35 a.m. Students who walk are requested not to arrive before 8:15 a.m. Elementary bus students are dismissed from their buses at 8:20 a.m. each morning. Elementary students are the first to be dismissed from school to board the buses before students in grades 6-12 are dismissed. Students who walk should leave the school grounds at dismissal. Students should not be unsupervised in the school building or on school grounds. Students must leave campus at dismissal, and not go to the playground unattended. We ask that you communicate with your child each morning where they should be going at the end of the day.


Every School Day Counts: But Health and Safety Come First

In a child’s academic career, every day of school counts and consistent attendance is essential for student success. However, please keep your child home if they are showing signs of illness. A child with a fever must not attend school.


Secure Building

Lowville Elementary is committed to the security and safety of our students and staff. All entrance doors to the school will be secured after student drop-off in the morning and will remain locked. Please come to the elementary entrance and use the call button located to the left of the exterior door during school hours. If you have something to drop off, please ring the buzzer and we will then accept the materials at the window. Access to the building during school hours will only be for emergency situations or for scheduled appointments. If you need to meet with a teacher, please communicate with the teacher to schedule an appointment.

School Bus Changes

Students will be allowed one primary drop-off location and one alternate (secondary) drop-off location again this year. Both destinations will be kept on file. Please send in a note each day your child is to go to their alternate (secondary) location. Notes requesting changes to locations other than the two listed on the information sheet will not be allowed. Phone calls or emails will not be accepted to change the afternoon drop-off location. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide transportation for non-school activities.


Elementary and Middle School Students Compete In Lewis County Fair Spelling Bee

In addition to enjoying the food, bird shows, and the demolition derby at the Lewis County Fair in July, some of our students had an opportunity to compete in the annual Lewis County Fair Spelling Bee, sponsored by the Lewis County Agricultural Society and Jefferson-Lewis BOCES. 

In May, grades 1-5 held a spelling bee to identify those students who would represent Lowville Elementary School at the fair. In the Middle School, participants were selected based on the Middle School Spelling Bee held in February.

The following students competed on July 19 in the LeRoy Nichols Youth Building: Grades 1 & 2 – Briley Garman, Logan Jock, Emmett Monnat Grades 3 & 4 – Bryson Eaves, Dawson Farney, John McCauley Grades 5 & 6 –Chloe Burr, Taylor Zehr Grades 7 & 8 – Adele Andrews, Michaela Ward

Congratulations to all of our participants!


  • Spring Parent-Teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, March 21, 2024.  There will be an early dismissal at 12:35 that day for students in grades K-5.  Both a.m. and p.m. Pre-K will be in session. Conferences will not be scheduled for all students.  Teachers will be communicating home if they would like parents to attend a conference, whether in person or virtual.  As always, parents may request a conference with a teacher.

  • Students in grades 3-5 will participate in New York State Assessments in May.  Teachers have been preparing students for these assessments all year.  The tentative schedule is as follows:

    • May 1 & 2  NYS ELA Assessment, CBT Gr. 3-5
    • May 7 & 8  NYS Math Assessment, PBT Gr. 4
    • May 8 & 9 NYS Math Assessment, CBT Gr. 3, 5

    Students in grades 3-5 should be in attendance and on time to school on these important test dates.   While we do provide make-up testing during the NYS make-up period when students are absent, it is in a location that is less familiar to the student and may not provide the ideal testing conditions for the children.

  • We just want students to do their individual best on state assessments.  If students read, are organized, complete homework, study for tests, and apply skills learned on a daily basis, they have been preparing for the state assessments.  Parents can help by following these simple steps.

    1. Mark important test dates on the calendar.
    2. Be sure children get a good night’s sleep.
    3. Try not to schedule anything the night before the test.
    4. Encourage children to eat a nutritious breakfast.
    5. Boost your children’s confidence with reassuring words to do their best.
  • If you have a child who will be 5 years old on or by December 1, 2024 that could attend Kindergarten in September 2024, please call the Elementary Office at 315-376-9005.  We would like to know your child’s name, age, and mailing address.  We are preparing registration packets and want to be sure we have the necessary information to mail a packet to you.  Packets will be sent out at the end of April.  Students who are currently enrolled in the district Pre-K program need not re-enroll.

  • We will be placing students using student data and teacher recommendations for the 2024-2025 school year.  Please do not submit requests before April 29, 2024. No requests for any reason will be accepted after Friday, May 10, 2024.  Please understand you can submit a request using this process, but some requests won’t be able to be met. Thank you for understanding.  

    The guiding principle of the placement process is to match the instructional and personal needs of each student with an appropriate instructional group and a supportive teaching style, while also providing each teacher with a well-balanced class to maximize instructional effectiveness.

     The placement of students in each classroom is undertaken with great planning and care, involving the classroom teachers and other faculty along with administration.

     Lowville Elementary will allow parents who have unique and special academic concerns to follow the guidelines below and submit a teacher request for the 2024-25 school year: 

    1.  Submit the letter to Mrs. Goss, Elementary Principal no earlier than Monday, April 29, 2024 but no later than Friday, May 10, 2024.  All letters must be written and signed by the parent(s) and delivered, either by hand or US mail to the elementary office.  Please do not send the requests to classroom teachers and please do not send requests via email.
    2. Include the child’s name and current teacher.
    3. Include the name of two teachers to be considered for your child’s placement.
    4. Include specific educational reasons for your request.

    No placement requests will be accepted without two teacher names and the educational reasons for the request. 

    The school will take parent requests for student placement into consideration; however, this will be done after all programmatic factors are considered and prioritized.  Our practice is to not move students from one classroom to another after the start of the school year.  For your awareness, teacher assignments may change from year to year or over the summer.  Requested teachers may not be available at the grade level they are currently teaching for next year.

    All parent requests received between Monday, April 29, 2024 and Friday, May 10, 2024 will be considered. Late requests, verbal requests, and emails will not be considered.  Not all requests may be able to be granted.  Final placement will be based on a variety of factors.  Thank you for the support you give your child and for understanding our process.