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New York State Education Law 121, Subsection 2D now requires ALL sites/resources (Free or Paid), that have the ability for students to sign into (Google sign on or otherwise) OR collect personal information to sign an annual District Privacy Addendum BEFORE they may be used. This includes resources previously approved.

Approved Digital Resource Checklist

Resources that do NOT require district approval and signed privacy contract if they

  • Do NOT require OR offer students the option of creating an account, AND

  • Do NOT collect ANY Personally Identifiable Information:

    • Students Last Name

    • Email Address

    • Student ID

    • Personal Address

    • Parent Information

    • Picture/Video

    • Biometrics (Fingerprint, Voice, Facial Recognition, etc)

    • Personal Questions

  • Do NOT expose students to advertising

Interactive Approval Process Guide

Use the interactive guide below to determine if the resource you are interested in is already approved for use with students, or requires approval before student use.


Requested Digital Resource Review Process Flow Chart

Please note that this process does take time. Approval timelines will be dependent upon vendor responsiveness, funding availability and technical/logistical deployment.

Flow chart of review process